Partnership with Google Cloud Services

SimplexTech provides end-to-end cloud assistance services and solutions for businesses applying Google Cloud Platform(GCP) to build critical cloud solutions. Our experts offer Google consulting services with countless opportunities for analyzing, mining, managing, and utilizing the cloud.

Google Cloud Partner’s offer

SimplexTech Partnership with Google Cloud provides excellent expertise in cloud services, and you will collaborate with our cloud consulting experts who will assist you to build an efficient Google Cloud infrastructure. GCP delivers the quickest time to value, whether it’s a first-time GCP migration, offering round-the-clock management infrastructure settings, or optimizing for business value through automation and analytics.
We provide solutions based on tried-and-true methodologies and standards for a successful cloud deployment. Our experience and methodology will support you in concentrating on your core business activities, legacy methods, in-house expertise, and cloud approaches.

Mobile Applications

The Google Cloud Platform allows you to create cloud-based apps without requiring any IT infrastructure. To build enterprise software, you can utilize any operating system or platform.

Website Development

The Google cloud enables developers to build a website. The Cloud’s premium services will be used by developers to build high-end websites from the ground up, as well as web-hosting and other services. GCP grants a well-built forum for creating, testing, and implementing websites around the world.

Testing & Deployment

Testing and implementation are two of the most crucial steps of web application development. These are the stages where the robustness and agility of a cloud platform are required. For migrating software without incurring additional charges, Google is a popular cloud service provider.

Big Data

Business data is critical for predicting and strategy. For the creation of a long-term business unit, data records from prior business years must be considered. When it comes to analyzing and storing large amounts of data, Google Cloud Platform is the greatest cloud service.


Game development requires high-end assistance and extensible infrastructure. The Google Cloud Platform is an example of a flexible infrastructure that makes it easier to create and test gaming standards.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is expected to serve more than 180 billion connected devices by 2020, with the Google Cloud Platform playing a major role in addressing this massive demand.

Benefits of Google Cloud Platform Services

  • Data-centric cloud solution—EDW, advanced analytics, data exploration for hybrid-cloud and on-premise implementations, data integration is essential.
  • Cloud readiness assessment and roadmap
  • Business case and proofs of concept
  • Cloud solution and platform creation
  • Monitoring, Maintenance, and 24×7 support
  • Real-time and batch data ingestion pipelines
  • Migration planning and Advanced automation
  • Continuous integration and delivery
  • Executive technology coaching, Architecture, and technology selection.

Why Google Cloud Platform?

Feature Proof

Google Cloud Business Solutions is a globally accessible, achievement-oriented, cost-effective, and highly secure cloud infrastructure developed on cloud engineering expertise. The Google cloud is constantly developing and adding new features and tools to ensure that the architecture is future-proof.

Data and Analytics

When it comes to the Google Cloud Platform, no one does BigData better than Google since businesses will leverage big data from the platform to explore new methods to make better products using BigData inputs.

Database and Storage

The Google Cloud platform’s infrastructure is high-scalable performance, flexible, pliable, and stable when it comes to databases. On Google Cloud Platform, developers may choose from several databases, including Cloud Storage, Cloud SQL, and Cloud Bigtable. You will expand your computing capacity to new levels with our Google Cloud Consulting Services.

Hybrid excellence

Google Cloud Platform incorporates all of the technology required for the enterprise to succeed. Whether it’s a MySQL database, Block storage, NoSQL datastore, Virtual servers, Managed platform, Blob storage, or Big Data analytics, pursue innovation for your selected technology, integrating them as expected to suit your requirements.

Performance refined

Google’s cloud service covers a rapid read/write memory, high-performance CPU, and quick disc performance. Google’s network and edge cache deliver responses in milliseconds to users all over the world.

Pay only for what you use.

It is what Google’s “pay just for what you use” model looks like that the Cloud Platform apps automatically scale up and down to meet even the most complicated workloads and traffic, your engineers won’t have to wait around to monitor apps while scaling up or down.

Support and assistance

You should recline and have harmony of mind when it comes to tech assistance and support. There are several places to take help and support, having an effective and expanding network of consumers, an active partner marketplace, and premium support packages. Google provides different kinds of assistance and support tools to assist you to have inaugurated and expand.