First Mass Market for Quantum Technology

Samsung has announced the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy A Quantum, the world's first QRNG-enabled 5G smartphone, in collaboration with IDQuantique and SKTelecom in May 2020. The Samsung-IDQ-QRNG publication is more an exhibition of how mature QRNG has developed. The fact that consumer devices already contain quantum chips demonstrates how dependable such chips have become — dependability is a must-have in the consumer electronics industry.
According to IQT research, the arrival of QRNG smartphones is proof that quantum technology is much higher than the upcoming development in the supercomputer industry. But instead, a completely new business ecosystem as distinct from digital was from analog and that it will be worth tens of billions or hundreds of billions – of dollars at the system level.

QRNG Smart Phones: Expected Market Evolution

The number of cellphones in the globe is estimated to be in the billions, but it’s reasonable to say that it’s on par with the worldwide population. With projected adoption rates of 30-50 percent within five years, the QRNG smartphone industry is currently worth $1 billion. We predict the IoT market for QRNGs will probably dominate that figure, given the IoT industry’s rapid growth and the tens of billions of devices now linked, with many more to follow.

The first wave of smartphone adoption will most likely be seen in flagship devices. The more costly devices are the ones that gain the most from increased security. Furthermore, some “quantum” hype can support the promotion of the phones: moderate mobile phones have always reeked of jewels!

Nevertheless, essential not to undervalue price sensitivity portions. The current pricing of available QRNG chips, according to IQT, is around the $1 level. At the consumer level, this amounts to $5 to $7 per chip on a $1,000 phone is not too high. It may not seem like a lot, but with the potential exception of the display, none of the components in a cell phone are much expensive. The mobile phone industry is extremely cost-conscious. As a result, QRNG chip makers will need to create compelling business cases to get their products into high-end phones. Here, there seem to be signs of improvement. In July 2020, IDQuantique stated that their chip will be put in another phone, the Vsmart Aris 5G, following the successful introduction of the Samsung Galaxy A Quantum. Both of these announcements, which occurred in quick succession, show the following:

IoT and QRNG

If the introduction of QRNG phones to the market was the first sign of mass-market quantum, QRNG IoT gadgets might be the second.
The IoT community has been clamoring for improved security for a few years now, and QRNG might help. However, the fact is QRNG chips are often in the same price range as the IoT devices themselves work against QRNG’s applications. With IoT, price resistance will be much more effective than it is with smartphones. In any event, given the numerous unknowns surrounding IoT in general, we anticipate QRNGs to be slower than with smartphones. Overall, IQT thinks that QRNG will bring quantum security from large boxes to low-cost edge-network devices, similar to QKD. If the market continues to expand in this direction, QRNG will be the enabler of a quantum consumer electronics revolution.


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